Contact Us 417.770.4399
Horse Boy Method™ is a tried and tested, scientifically proven, means of gaining communication and re-patterning the brain for people on the autism spectrum, ADD, ADHD, Anxiety and other neuro-sensory diagnoses using horses, movement and a natural environment.
Our two main programs, Horse Boy™ Method and Horse Boy™ Movement Method, are based on the following scientifically based observations:
Stress impairs learing.
We are able to learn new concepts more easily when we feel safe.
Movement promotes learning.
Pamela Witt is a certified Horse Boy ™Independent Basic Movement Method Mentor and is running Movement Method Sessions with one family at a time. This method does not include the use of the horses.
Pamela is also a certified Independent Basic Horse Boy™ Method Practitioner and this method can include the use of horses. We are currently not providing equine-related services as the insurance that we have found would make the program cost prohibitive for families. We are working on ways to make sure that we can provide this service in the near future!
Learn more about the Horse Boy™ Method by going to the Horse Boy ™ website , to learn more about the Horse Boy™ Movement Method you can visit the Kids Must Move™ website or contact us here at The Equine Discovery Center™